Canadian magazine advertising is the powerful way to make your advertisement campaign successful.
Canadian readers consume approximately 90% of the pages within any given magazine. If you have a national product, magazine advertising is a must-have component of your marketing to help you to connect with the targeted or specific audience.
Magazines have several powerful advantages to be aware of:
Mostly magazines are read by highly specific audiences because there are specific magazines for various topics.
People hold magazines longer than newspapers which make possibility to see your advertisement more than once.
Magazines designs are more captivating than newspapers. Magazines typically have glossy finishes and full color for strong creative design.
Magazines also represent status: Some of the magazines are well respected in their field, so the advertisement in these magazines increase the prestige by the association.

The repetition of print advertisement means if you decide to display it more than once targeted audience will see it again and again. This will increase the brand awareness each time your advertisement is run. If this print media is used as a part of the integrating marketing campaign then these ads can drive business to your ads.
Want to advertise in top Canadian magazines and newspapers? We can help. We design and advertise in top Canadian newspapers like LA Press, The Kit, The Toronto Star, and With Metroland. With magazine advertising alone, you can put your message in front of over 200,000 of Canada’s most dominant and foremost business decision makers.
CTA Media is a media research, strategy, planning and buying group specializing in Canadian advertising. Our team is filled with experts with experience navigating the Canadian media landscape. We pride ourselves in understanding client goals and developing a unique and effective targeting strategy for each campaign. We’re focused on utilizing all media channels to drive value and discover actionable insights that create value for our clients. Contact us today!