Growth in total media ad spending expectation of 6.6% for 2019.
Digital’s share of total media ad spending will reach 57.6% by 2021.
Digital ad spending’s growth rate is projected to be 14.0% in 2019.
Digital’s share of total media ad spending will pass 50% for the first time this year. By 2021, digital will account for almost 60% of total media ad outlays.
Search is the leading digital ad format and will maintain that position through 2021. Digital display accounts for most of the balance of digital expenditures, and will increase its share of digital over the next few years.
Mobile ad spending growth is massive: 37.7% in 2018 and 23.0% in 2019.
Video advertising outlays will grow 15.3% in 2019 and continue to gain through 2021.
Programmatic video grew 27.2% in 2018 and will rise 24.0% in 2019.
Programmatic video advertising accounts for the majority of video spending. Programmatic’s share of video ad spending will be 67.8% in 2019.